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Eastwood Heights Public School

Eastwood Heights Public School

Truth through knowledge

Telephone02 9876 4732


Our Core Values

As a member of Eastwood Heights Public School, students will be safe in the way they behave, respectful in the way they act towards others and a learner by having the right attitude.

The following Stella Code of behaviours has been taught explicitly to the students and is displayed appropriately around the school. These expectations form the core of our school discipline code.

Be Safe

- Keep your hands and feet to yourself

- Move safely and sensibly 

- Wear the school uniform 

- Stay inbounds

- Allow for personal space 


Be Respectful

- Be well-mannered and speak politely

- Take care of our school and the things in it 

- Listen to and follow teacher instructions 

- Take pride in your appearence 


Be a Learner 

- Be a responsible student 

- Participate in all activities 

- Do your best

- Be prepared